
Whilst we don’t like forfeits occurring, we understand that this is inevitable. Please ensure that your team has exhausted all resources before forfeiting and give La Trobe Sport enough notice.

A forfeit occurs when a team cannot fulfil the minimum player requirements to start a game after a certain period of time.

Minimum requirements to start a game & period of time

  • Netball: Five (5) players, 9 minutes.
  • Futsal and Basketball: Three players (3), 10 minutes.

Please consult competition specific rules for provisions around mixed players.

Forfeit Process

If forfeiting outside of 24 hours of your match – Please email

If forfeiting within 24 hours of your match, or after 3pm Friday for a weekend match – Please call La Trobe Sport (9479 2973)

Forfeit & Withdrawal Terms

A game will be a forfeit if a team cannot fulfil the minimum player requirements to start a game (after a certain period of time - see competition specific information).

The team captain must notify La Trobe League management as soon as possible about a forfeit to give adequate time to notify opposing teams and match officials.

The below process is to be followed if a team needs to forfeit a match:

(a) If outside of 24 hours (and not a weekend), an email needs to be sent to from the team captain.

(b) If inside 24 hours, or post 3pm Friday for a weekend match, a phone call needs to be made to La Trobe Sport (9479 2973).

A team that incurs two (2) forfeits within 72 hours will be removed from the competition.

A team which incurs three (3) forfeits, even if notified, will be removed from the competition.

Team captains will be notified of a forfeit by text message.

The following costs are applied when a forfeit occurs.

(a) Forfeit outside of one week – 1 x match fee.

(b) Forfeit within the week – 1.5 x match fee.

(c) Forfeit within 72 hours – 2 x match fee.

An extra $20 fine will be given for any teams who fail to notify La Trobe Sport of a forfeit.

Teams must pay the forfeit fee before the commencement of their next game.

Teams withdrawing from the competition early will incur a $150 season forfeiture fee. This fee covers administration and fixturing costs.

Any unpaid fees are required to be paid regardless of leaving the competition.

For teams or individuals who have unpaid fees, they will be unable to join the competition the next season until those fees have been paid, this includes:

(a) A team captain in charge of the team payments

(b) A team member, who may not be in charge of the payments but still a registered member

(c) An individual participant who has owing fees on their registration, including any payment plans.

If a team withdraws from the competition, La Trobe Sport reserves the right to amend upcoming fixtures, opponents, and fixture times. The below process will occur:

(a) A forfeit win will occur for any teams notified within a notification period of less than one (1) week.

Example – A team has pulled out of a Thursday competition on a Friday. La Trobe Sport will then send notification to the opposition team that they will have a forfeit win, as notice was given inside a week.

A BYE will occur for any teams past the one (1) week notification period.

Example – A team has pulled out of a Thursday competition on Friday. La Trobe Sport will send notification to the opposition team for the following week a forfeit win. All matches beyond that will be turned into a BYE.

Forfeit FAQ's

Do we need to call La Trobe Sport for a forfeit?
A phone call needs to be made to La Trobe Sport to inform of a forfeit in the following circumstances:

  • You are forfeiting within 24 hours of a match OR
  • You are forfeiting after 3pm Friday for a weekend match.

La Trobe Sport phone number - 9479 2973

What are the forfeit fees?
The following fees apply for forfeiting a match:

  • Forfeit outside of one week - 1 x match fee.
  • Forfeit within the week - 1.5 x match fee.
  • Forfeit within 72 hours - 2 x match fee.

If your team does not notify La Trobe Sport, there will be a $20 payable fine, on top of the 2 x match fee.

These fees are in place to cover the costs of the competition. In most circumstances, we will still need to cover match official and venue costs even if there is no match.

What if we don't notify La Trobe Sport of a forfeit?
An extra $20 fee will be payable if there is no notice given.

How many forfeits can we have a season?

Teams may only have three forfeits within a season, or two forfeits within 72 hours. Teams may be removed if they breach this requirement.

What happens to the fixture when a team pulls out of the competition?

If a team withdraws from the competition, La Trobe Sport reserves the right to amend upcoming fixtures, opponents, and fixture times. The below process will occur:

  • A forfeit win will occur for any teams notified within a notification period of less than one (1) week.
  • A BYE will occur for any teams past the one (1) week notification period.
