
We have a strict uniform policy for all of our competitions. It is important that everyone is aware of these policies, and any penalties associated.

Uniforms in Grading

We understand that your team may be still organising uniforms whilst in grading, and we take a more lenient approach. If you uniform is not in line with our policy in grading matches, team captains must notify La Trobe Sport prior to the game starting to organise an alternative uniform.

Standard Uniform Policy

Each competition will have its own specific uniform policy. Please consult the competition rules tab for more. However, we have a number of uniform requirements standardised over our competition, including but not limited to:

  • Non-marking shoes to be used at all times within La Trobe Sport venues
  • No zips or pockets with shorts
  • No jewellery except for a medical alert bracelet or wedding ring to be worn at any time. Facial piercings must be taped.
  • Nails must be short and smooth or taped using the approved material tape. Satisfactory taping method is one piece of tape over the top/end of the nail and one piece around the nail.

Specific Competition Unform Requirements

  • Netball competitions: Bibs provided by team
  • Basketball competitions: Same designed uniform (same colour, same writing etc). Number on front and back or jersey.
  • Futsal competitions: Same designed uniform (same colour, same writing etc.) Number on back of jersey.

Please consult competition specific rules for further information.

Uniform Penalties

Penalties for improper uniforms differ per sport, however, we do have a standardised process over all of our competitions:

  • If there is one infringement in the team (meaning, one person not having one item in line with our policy, such as a numbered jersey, same designed jersey, pockets/ zips etc.), the team will face a score reduction, depending on their competition.
  • In the event that a team has two or more uniform infringements (that is, multiple people, or one person having two items that don't meet our policy), the below will apply:
  • Player or item one will follow the above rule, that the team will face a score reduction.
  • Player or item two will not be able to take the court until they have amended their uniform, in line with policies and their team.
    • In the event that a singular player has two uniform infringements, they will not be able to take the court entirely, with no points deduction.

In the circumstance a team falls below the minimum requirement to field a team, they will forfeit the match in line with our forfeit policy.

Uniform FAQ's

We are waiting for our uniforms to arrive; do you have any spare?

Whilst we do have a strict policy, we do allow teams to not be quite ready to go with uniforms from week one of competition. Due to this, we have a leniency for the first four weeks of competition (grading). If your team requires a spare set of uniforms - please reach out to playsport@latrobe.edu.au (however, there is no guarantee we will have availability).

There is a colour clash, what do we do?

If there is a colour clash, the away team will be instructed to head to the front desk to collect an alternate set of bibs/ jerseys.

Our player has forgotten their jersey for today’s match, what do we do?

Providing there are no other uniform infringements in the team, the player will be able to wear an alternate jersey, providing La Trobe Sport are aware, however, a penalty will apply.
